Date: April 06th, 2024

Bulking is an art. An art that takes a ton of effort to be successful at.

Especially when you are a seasoned juicer who has already put on some mass.

If you have not gained at least 20 pounds over the weight you were at before coming over to the dark side, you just have not been juicing effectively and you will be very happy with the information that follows. If you have put on a good deal of size, you will still find useful information in the following paragraphs, but for now, we will not discuss usage of other non-anabolic steroid bulking drugs. We will get to that soon though. Keep reading!

The catch with bulking is that you have to accept not being so pretty if you are to really put on some size. Water and a little fat weight have to come with adding considerable size unless you are a genetic abnormality.

The most potent drugs for bulking involve the heavy androgenic drugs which also cause large amounts of water retention. All the testosterone esters, anadrol, dianabol, and deca or equipoise when combined with any of the former make for a good bulking team.

One thing you want to take into consideration with here is the mechanism by which each drugs works. Anabolic steroids are either known to have a high affinity for the androgen receptor, and thereby cause growth through this mechanism, or they have effects on growth outside the receptor. For max benefit you want to combine drugs that work by different mechanisms.

All orals will work by different mechanism purely on the fact that they are ingested and not injected. The way you get a drug into your body is called the route of administration. For optimum weight gain and muscle mass one must use the correct bulking drugs and or mass cycles. Steroids for mass work incredibly well however steroid muscle does not come cheap. Takes dedication to not only working out but researching bulking drugs mass cycle. There are side effects like gyno you want to steer clear of.

When an oral drug is taken it must eventually pass its way through the liver. The first time it does this a few hours after you ingest the oral is the popular term, "first pass". This is just code for the first time the liver has a chance to break down the oral drug. This site of metabolism is also where the functionality of oral anabolic steroids come into play.

The 17 alkylation of oral anabolics is what makes the drug able to pass the liver and not be fully degraded. Otherwise you would be able to drink testosterone and it would work fine. We all know this is not the case.

The hydrochloric acid in the stomach would destroy the testosterone molecule way before the liver even gets a chance to metabilize it. This is why the oral test "methyltestosterone" came into existence.

Although it is not a very effective drug, it is highly toxic. Methyltestosterone is a prototype oral. It has the most basic of structures added to testosterone to enable its hepatic(liver) survival. They simply added a CH3 or "methyl" group to the 17th position on the molecule (you've most likely seen it, it is the thatched roof part of the steroid structure).

The reason why I mention this is that the toxicity of orals due to their chemical make-up is not all bad. When a 17 orally alkylated drug passes by the liver, it forces the liver to kick out a little extra IGF-I each time. IGF-I is the most potent anabolic substance in the body. It is through IGF-I modulation that the use of growth hormone exerts its muscle building effects. The moral of the story:


Regular old testosterone is one of the best bulking drugs there is. TESTOSTERONE  should be your staple for mass building.



Yes, this is an injectable - and you're going to have to get used to the idea that - if you want to get big and stay big, you can't ONLY do oral steroids. I realize injectables are scary at first - I've been there, but ill show you how to do it - and after a few times, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.

Novices usually use around 500mg a week of Sustanon. More advanced bodybuilders use upwards of 1000mg a week.


An email from No Needles Ned...


Hey Coach!

Just read some information you posted and appeared good advice so wondered if you could help I'm 49, 6ft 2" sitting at 106kg

Do weights 4 times a week and then 2 sessions cardio and abs. I tried my first cycle last year 20mg var only 7 weeks and stripped some fat off my stomach as never been able to before, leaned up more and stronger in a mild way Just finished another var only cycle at 50mg and stronger than last year, fat about the same but harder muscles and ran for 8 weeks As I absolutely hate needles and couldn't stab myself, I prefer orals but know its harsh on the liver, but what would you recommend for bulking up more for the next cycle?

I thought first of var again 50mg and probably turinabol as the most safe ...... but what about Androl? Heard some bad stories and don't really want dbol as only a 6 week cycle Preferably looking at 12-14 week cycle so test would be good.....if oral



Heya Ned!

Given that most of the oral anabolics have less estrogenicity than the standard of reference (testosterone) you should find that size is better maintained at the conclusion of a cycle compared to injectable testosterone, as you are holding, and as a result will be excreting, less water weight.

When all is said and done, you’ll seem to hold more of the weight you gained on oral anabolics simply because more of what you gained was quality muscle (not water bulk) in the first place.

Anadrol is an exception among your list as it is highly estrogenic. Given low doses (300-600mg/wk), however, I suspect you will not notice this trait much, and should be noticing some modest but measurable gains in strength and lean muscle mass. In the end you’ll probably gain more lean mass on a formidable dose of testosterone, but again, the difference between your on-cycle bulk weight and your off-cycle retained mass weight will be more noticeable on a cycle like this too.

If you are taking about 15 milligrams of oral anabolics per day - I don’t want you to be mistaken into thinking this is a “very low” dose. O.K., by some of the standards of excess today it may be considered low, but in a clinical sense it most certainly is not.

 Winstrol is given at a dose of 6 milligrams per day or less most commonly.

When Dianabol was widely prescribed in the U.S., the common application was 5 milligrams per day.

Aside from Anadrol, the doses you are taking are outside of the therapeutic range, and enough to present significant gains in lean tissue, as you have noticed.

In fact, during the 1960’s and ‘70s fifteen milligrams per day was a common dose for athletes and bodybuilders.

This level of use is also more than sufficient to suppress natural testosterone production, so you still going to have to deal with some type of crash at the conclusion of this cycle, even if it is less pronounced due to less water retention. As such, a proper PCT (Post-Cycle Therapy) program is probably a good idea to look at.

The main concern I have with the practice of taking oral steroids exclusively- is the fact that you are applying a sufficient dose of c-17 alpha alkylated oral steroids each day, and it is continuing for a significant amount of time.


The usual cutoff point is 6-8 weeks.


Immediately, I would question what your serum lipids are doing. How are you HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels responding to this cycle? As you may know, oral c-17 alpha alkylated steroids present much more toxicity to the body than injectable testosterones (and related non-alkylated steroids).


They tend to greatly shift the HDL:LDL balance in an unfavorable direction (increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease), and place some strain on the liver. While I wouldn’t be go so far as to say this type of practice is outright dangerous to your immediate health, I would most certainly recommend that you take caution.


With any oral cycle, especially one going on for a prolonged period of time, you should be getting periodic checks on your lipids, liver enzymes, blood pressure, and general markers of health. If you find the drugs are placing too much strain on your body, they probably aren’t worth it. If you find such is true in your situation, you’d likely be much better off looking back at the old standby injectables like  testosterone and nandrolone, which present no significant liver stress and have a much lower negative effect on serum lipids – crash and water retention be damned.


These are some typical bulking cycles


Anadrol cycle

Dose needed: 80 tabs Anadrol 50 mg,


1 packet PCT


1st week Anadrol 50 mg daily

2nd week Anadrol 50 mg daily

3rd week Anadrol 150 mg daily

4th week Anadrol 150 mg daily 1 PCT PILL

5th week Anadrol 150 mg daily 1 PCT PILL

6th week 1 PCT PILL

7th week 1 PCT PILL



Anavar Dianabol Cycle



1st week 20mg Dianabol daily 20mg Anavar daily

2nd week 25mg Dianabol daily 20mg Anavar daily

3rd week 30mg Dianabol daily 20mg Anavar daily

4th week 30mg Dianabol daily 30mg Anavar daily

5th week 30mg Dianabol daily 30mg Anavar daily

6th week 30mg Dianabol daily 30mg Anavar daily

7th week 30mg Dianabol daily 30mg Anavar daily

8th week 1 PCT PILL

9th week 1 PCT PILL


if you wanted to use a testosterone

You could run test only

1st week 200mg testosterone

2nd week 200mg testosterone

3rd week 300 mg testosterone

4th week 350 mg testosterone

5th week 350 mg testosterone

6th week 350 mg testosterone

7th week 350 mg testosterone

 For your PCT:

1 PCT PILL a Day for 30 days


A turinabol cycle

40mg day for 7 weeks

1 PCT PILL a Day for 30 days






50 mg Proviron daily (until you run out - which will be at 7 weeks)

20mg Dianabol daily (until you run out - which will be at 7 weeks)

20mg Turinabol daily  (until you run out - which will be at 7 weeks)

40mg Testosterone Undecanoate Daily for 7 weeks


At the end of your cycle - Take one of these pill daily for 30 days

For this cycle you will need

2 Testosterone Undecanoate  www.anabolicsfast.lt/catalog/product/virigen-testocaps


1 Turinabol    www.anabolicsfast.lt/catalog/product/turanabol

1 Dianabol 

1 Proviron  www.anabolicsfast.lt/catalog/product/proviron

1 of these  PCT  https://www.anabolicsfast.lt/catalog/product/pct


50 mg Proviron daily (until you run out - which will be at 7 weeks)